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Who Are the Moravians?
Moravians are Christians who:
believe that God creates, redeems, and blesses. We respond with faith, love, and hope
belong to the international Unitas Fratrum, a Protestant organization that dates to 1457
believe in the power of community, unity, and relationships
view mission and service to our local and worldwide community an integral part of our faith and witness
have developed a unique theology and set of practices throughout our history that inform who we are and what we do
gather around the core values of hospitality, relationship, worship, and mission
Sister Bay Moravians are Christians who:
gather around the core values of hospitality, relationship, worship, and mission
seek to witness to Christ's love locally through our Community Lunch, Thanksgiving dinners, partnering with local food pantries, the Door County Secret Santas, and a variety of other missions that seek to make people's lives better.
seek to witness to Christ's love globally through our partnerships with the Moravian Board of World Mission. In 2017, we sent a mission team Ahuas, Honduras. In 2019 we sent a mission team to St. Thomas.
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